“Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” Ephesians 1:4


Don Abshere or “Papa Don” as many know him, is a prophetic revivalist who has been building up the body of Christ for over 50 years.  As one of the leaders of the Jesus People Movement Don carries an unquenchable passion for revival and has lived his life sold out to the cause of Christ.

Learn more about Don.

“Pastor Don Abshere has been a long-time personal mentor of mine for close to forty-six years of ministry. In fact, Don was the pastor who baptized me when I came to faith at the age of twenty-one. Don’s teaching, encouragement, and friendship have been instrumental in my calling to become all that God has intended for me as a pastor, chaplain, professor, author and a man after God’s heart. Any time spent with Pastor Don is time well invested for the Kingdom of God.”

Mickey Stonier, PhD
Assistant Pastor of The Rock Church, San Diego, California
SDFD Lead Chaplain
Adjunct Professor Azusa Pacific Seminary

“When God began breathing Fresh Wind and Fresh Fire in the Jesus People days, He used some very special people. One of those was my friend Don Abshere. God has deposited so much Grace and Wisdom by His Spirit into this man. May a new generation listen, learn and receive fresh anointing from Don’s life and ministry!”

Ray Bentley Senior Pastor of Maranatha Church, San Diego, California


  • We believe a changed person changes the lives of others around them.

  • We believe the presence of God is more than just a feeling. It is the power and love of God.  

  • We believe the Word and the Spirit work in concert to reveal our purpose. 

  • We believe our true identity can only be found in Jesus and has been established before the foundations of the earth.

For over 50 years, we have been on mission to expand the Kingdom of God through church planting, speaking in churches and conferences, and through individual mentorship. Don and his wife, Sharon, are focused on helping people discover and live in their true identity in Christ.

“Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” Ephesians 1:4 (NKJV)