Meet Don Abshere

I’m Don Abshere. I’m a guy who tried to do everything my own way no matter what. I started drinking and fighting bat a very young age. By the time I was in high school, my life was spiraling out of control. 

I was drafted in 1966 into the army and was stationed in Europe. During my time overseas I began using and selling drugs. After getting out of the army in 1968, my addictions increased and became more problematic. Three years later, I met a young musician who I could tell had a relationship with God. One night, at a concert in his dressing room, I began to ask him about God. His response was two questions for me. The first was, “Do you know Jesus?” I replied yes because despite my ungodly lifestyle, I thought I knew God. The second question was, “Is Jesus your Lord?” I was completely stumped by this question because I knew for Jesus to be my Lord my life would not look as it did, so I answered, “no”. He boldly responded and asked, “Would you want to change that?” This was the best yes of my life. We both got on our knees and he led me through a salvation prayer. While my words were mumbled through the tears, I knew God understood.

That night, I began to have supernatural encounters with God. I began having visions that brought me to the revelation that GOD could find anyone, even in the midst of very dark places. Through this season of encountering God, my life began to change at an accelerated pace . 

In September of 1971, I began to attend church in Costa Mesa, Ca. at a Calvary Chapel where I learned to share the gospel without fear and became part of the “Jesus People Movement”. One year later, I stepped into the music ministry as part of Maranatha Music . It was here that the LORD taught me how to share the Gospel with music. 

 I was ordained by Pastor Chuck Smith and in1973 I began to grow in relationship with a group of new believers in San Diego, Ca. For a year I traveled to SD twice a week to teach a Bible study. In all honesty, I had no idea what I was doing. Most nights I would open the Bible, read, cry, and then read some more. The group grew rapidly, and many were giving their lives to Jesus each week. By 1974 Mike MacIntosh, myself, and many other leads started the first Calvary Chapel in San Diego. 

In 1975, I married my incredible wife, Sharon. Together we raised 3 children and now have 4 grandchildren. Through our years of ministry, we have started 3 churches and have pastored at an additional 3 churches. In 2021, we stepped down as senior pastors from the Movement Church where we ministered for 8 incredible years. Our time there was filled with great victories, powerful miracles, and lifelong family. 

Sharon and I are excited to turn the page and begin the next adventure in the Lord’s wonderful plan for our lives. 

This is my story in a nutshell, there is always more, but at the core I’m just a guy who loves Jesus and wants to tell the world about Him!